Missions Conference By the Numbers

5 continents were represented at the conference. Oceana, North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. A local church’s missions efforts advance by reaching the diverse cultures and regions of the world, providing opportunities for members to be involved amongst one or two of several different ministries.

89,000 feminine pads have been produced by Project Patricia. With the help of many local churches and organizations, The MCC has worked to purchase, cut, sew, surge, stamp, wash, and assemble these pads into kits which include a bag for washing. But these kits are not complete without gospel materials included in each kit. Hundreds of boxes of these kits have been shipped to developing countries, mainly Africa, and thousands of kits have accompanied missionaries as they travel to various parts of the world.

1,000 copies of Luke/Acts were printed as the initial run of a first translation for the Tunger language in West Java. This project has taken years to accomplish, beginning with a team moving to Southeast Asia ten years ago, learning the language, identifying the Vee people’s needs for Scripture, developing relationships in a local village, clarifying the language, translating stories and units of text, identifying Tunger speakers willing to help test materials for comprehension, revising and rewriting translated materials, testing again, checking the materials with a professional linguist consultant, getting the materials printed, and finally distributing Luke/Acts. Now we pray that the Lord will impress local believers to employ these Scriptures in their personal and family study, and in their meetings.

2 missionaries who will live among us. Kelly and Andrea Huerter have returned to live the Great Commission in Kansas City reaching Asian students on college campuses, and helping MCC to keep the nations before us on our minds.

600 miles from Madison, WI to Manhattan, KS. This is the distance the Upshaws might move if Lentz is called to pastor there. The Upshaws have been at UW-Madison for 10 years and reproduced into the lives of many students. The last few years have been in partnership with Red Village Church and may have uniquely prepared Lentz for pastoral leadership just across the street from K-State.

$2,500 was raised in the three day conference. These resources will provide each supported missionary who participated in the conference with a bit of a boost during the often slow summer months. These gifts are in addition to the monthly gifts our partners receive, and the bonuses we were able to distribute as a result of robust weekly offerings in June.2 video calls on Sunday morning. Global missions is changing so quickly with technological advances. It felt as though the Turnbull’s (http://acu-usa.com/) and Price’s (toddprice.wordpress.com) had dropped in for a visit even though they were in Lusaka and Budapest respectively. Since we Skype with them occasionally and connect with them a few times each month on social media, we feel like partners. We are. We are able to pray, encourage and collaborate in real time as a result of the technology available to us.



Don't lose any sleep over it! We have a delayed start on Sunday, March 10, 2024

EH/MK 10:30-11:20
Worship: 11:30-1:00