Crucified with Christ, A Galatians Hymn by Todd R. Chipman

Curs’d the man who hangs on a tree,

Jesus was, and was for me—

Known of God from eternity.

I am crucified with Christ.


He gave Himself for all my sins,

I’ll not live for worldly men,

But serve in love those born of Him.

I am crucified with Christ.


Round the table with those of faith—

No concern for class or race—

Home and away living the same.

I am crucified with Christ.


No badge of honor here I seek,

No praise from men— small and weak.

This world has no claim on me.

I am crucified with Christ.


My body bears marks of His cross,

One with Christ, counting the cost,

Rejecting the flesh—‘tis no loss.

I am crucified with Christ.


Don't lose any sleep over it! We have a delayed start on Sunday, March 10, 2024

EH/MK 10:30-11:20
Worship: 11:30-1:00