A Review of Triumphing over Sinful Fear by John Flavel

     Ask any parent and they will likely remember when their child told them they were afraid of something. Many children fear the dark. Others are afraid of snakes, spiders, and anything that creeps on the ground. Humans by nature fear certain aspects of life. Fears may be good and healthy, but some fears are sinful. The sin that is often ignored in our own lives is the fear of man. This fear can be far more dangerous than a fear of snakes, spiders, or creeping animals. It can be scarier than being left alone in a dark room. It will destroy your whole life because out of that fear comes compromise. A natural question arises in our minds: How can we overcome this fear? This question is answered in this wonderful book by John Flavel.

The Big Picture

     John Flavel was a Puritan pastor who preached with great conviction; he also penned poetry and theological essays. Like many of the Puritans, Flavel wrote with great clarity and precision. To help his readers understand the purpose of this book he starts by introducing three types of fear that humans have: Fear of God, sinful fear, and natural fear. A healthy fear of God is understanding that God is outside of us, is greater than us, and is not like us. When we have an appropriate fear of God, we will worship him all the more. Natural fear is defined as fear over natural elements such as being afraid of the dark or being afraid of being alone. The example that Flavel uses is a fear of consequences when we are in the wrong. However, Flavel has a bigger picture in view than just a healthy fear of God and the natural life around us. His primary focus is on sinful fear. Being afraid in and of itself is not a sin, but there is a fear that is a sin —the fear of man in an unhealthy sense. Flavel spends the remainder of the book helping Christians overcome this sinful fear to which many fall prey.

The Effects of Sin

     While Flavel gives multiple effects that sin has on one’s life, this review will focus on two that I believe we should pay close attention to in the Western world: cowardice and compromise. One might say that they are two sides of the same coin, and that may be true, but they are both dangers to which people fall prey.

     The first effect of fearful sin is cowardice. Fear of man can lead someone to stay silent on important issues. There is great wisdom in knowing when to stay silent, but there is also a danger in remaining quiet. As Christians, we are called to be both prudent and bold at the same time. John Calvin’s said, “A dog barks when he sees his master attacked, how can I sit silent while the word of God is under attack?” Cowardice is running from the mob in fear and saying nothing, while the word of God is attacked.

     Second, fear of man can lead to compromising biblical integrity and fidelity. All one must do today is a quick Google search to find many churches that have compromised their biblical fidelity. Perhaps they have affirmed female pastors. Others have placated the LGBTQ crowd by affirming homosexual marriage. These beliefs are rooted in the fear of man. They would rather be culturally relevant than biblical. Compromise has a snowball effect. It starts small, gradually gets larger and ends in destruction.

Overcoming Sinful Fear

     Finally, Flavel explains how believers can overcome fear of man. He lists six ways, but the following I believe would serve us well at MCC. We can overcome sinful fear first by reminding ourselves and one another of God’s sovereignty, and second, by giving ourselves to the ministry of the local church.

     For example, consider the current political cycle. As free citizens, we should exercise our right to vote and be concerned with who wins the presidency, house seats, and our judicial system. However, it should not consume all our thoughts. God in his sovereignty raises nations and brings them to nothing. God is over all, and we are citizens of his kingdom! He cares for us! We can be bold in the face of great opposition because we trust the One who can destroy both body and soul in hell (Matt. 10:28). This God who elects, secures, and keeps is also a God who will vindicate his people. There is no need to fear man. God ordains everything that comes to pass including the opposition of man. Do not lose heart. Rather, persevere, repent of sinful fear and trust your brothers in sisters in the local church.

     We oftentimes are afraid to confess our sins to one another. We may be ashamed to approach our brothers and sisters for fear they are going to think less of us. A healthy church is one where there is correction out of love. Correction without love is brutality and love without correction is not love. Love with correction brings about restoration and grace. We can all fall prey to the fear of man, but like-minded brothers and sisters, can give us a renewed zeal to overcome fear. The final line of The Church’s One Foundation has always brought comfort when I wrestle with sinful fear. Be encouraged with these words.

Through trial and tribulations,
And tumult of her war.
She waits the consummation
Of peace forevermore.
Till with the vision glorious,
Her longing eyes are blessed,
And the great church victorious
Shall be the church at rest.


Don't lose any sleep over it! We have a delayed start on Sunday, March 10, 2024

EH/MK 10:30-11:20
Worship: 11:30-1:00