The Master’s Community Church’s Pastoral Internship is based upon our corporate By-Laws (Article VI, Section 3) and rooted in the New Testament practice of training generations of men for church leadership. The internship is open to male church members in good standing and normally lasts one calendar year. Paul’s phrases in 2 Tim 2:2 provide a rationale for the internship: “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” The internship is designed to be flexible based upon the gifting, desires and life situation of the intern, and my or may not result in becoming an elder of the MCC once the internship is complete. The internship will require faithful attendance at regular church meetings as well as monthly elder meetings and occasional informal fellowship appointments with MCC elders. The internship includes training in three spheres: family, leadership development, and ministry participation.
Family (if applicable)
As it is the case that family leadership is an essential aspect of church leadership described in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, the intern will be trained in various aspects of family leadership. These include time management, financial discipline, family worship, marriage and parenting. This training will take place in formal and informal ways, and will include time in MCC elders’ homes and in discussion during elder meetings.
Leadership Development
Topical Questions
The following questions will be answered in writing and will be discussed at elder meetings. These questions are not intended to trick the intern but to provide him with a basis for answering the kinds of questions he might be asked if he is ordained as an elder.
What are your specific and regular practices regarding the spiritual disciplines (personal prayer, Bible Study, meditation, stewardship, learning…)?
Closely examine each of the Bible’s qualifications for pastors and deacons (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1:5-9, Acts 6:1-6, 1 Peter 5:1-4). Which are your strongest qualities? With which requirements do you have the most trouble? Why do you believe these areas of difficulty do not presently disqualify you from ministering?
What activities characterize your evangelistic interest? What is your approach to personal evangelism? Corporate evangelism? How are you hospitable even to those outside the church?
How is the pastor to be held accountable? What relationships in your life currently provide accountability for responsible attitudes and behavior, both personally and as a pastor?
Church Leadership
Describe your leadership style. What have been some strengthens and weaknesses in working with others? What strengths do you contribute to a team of spiritual leaders?
What principles dominate your interpretation of any particular passage of Scripture?
What is your understanding of the role of the church covenant in the fellowship of the church?
What does the Bible teach is the purpose of the church’s weekly gathering?
What are the biblical responsibilities of elders? What are the biblical responsibilities of deacons? How are deacons and elders to relate?
What elements foster fellowship in the church? What hinders it?
What is your missionary vision for the church? How are you currently demonstrating missionary interest and involvement?
Please explain your views on church discipline.
A number of resources could be employed but at minimum the intern will read three books, discussing these with the elders in various settings.
Ministry Participation
MCG Leadership
During the internship, the intern will participate in helping to lead a Master’s Community Group. These groups meet mid-week and provide fellowship and serve as outlets for all the emphases of MCC ministry.
Preaching, Teaching and Public Prayer
As the intern is able, he will employ his gifts to preach, teach and lead in prayer during corporate church gatherings. Other ministry activities may also be initiated as the intern would wish, at the approval of the elders, so long as these initiatives fulfill MCC goals of Discipleship, Fellowship, Outreach and Prayer.