What do you want to read?
The Kingdoms of This World (by Jim Viens)
Where do I begin? How did our nation come to this point? There are so many factors that have led us here. There has been
Promoting Fellowship in the Life of a Local Church (by Justin Ridgway)
What is fellowship, and when do members of a local church engage in fellowship? Are Christians guaranteed to enjoy fellowship every time they eat
What did you hear this Year?
Though a steady diet of expository sermons each week is not enough to sustain us, it provides a framework for all other spiritual growth with
How does the MCC help Couples prepare for Marriage?
This blog is an outline of what couples might expect if they ask me to perform their wedding. Because marriage is ordained by God as
How Should we Respond to Difficult Times?
Times of crisis (2 Chron 20:1-2), compel us to seek the Lord together (2 Chron 20:3-12) that we might place our confidence in Him (2
Why be Faithful in the Covenant?
Since God shows His jealousy by establishing structures though which we fellowship with Him (1 Chronicles review), ignoring those structures defames His reputation through us
What’s the Value of Organized Local Church Ministry?
As we organize our ministry to meet practical needs in the church (Acts 6:1-7) by establishing people of Christian character to use their gifting (1
How Does the Church Wait Well for the Return of Christ? (2 Pet. 3:14-18)
Living in light of eternity, we are to be diligent in holiness (v.14), remembering the patience of Christ (v.15-16a), grounded and growing in Christ through
What’s the Danger of Re-branding the Christian Message (Part 3 of 3)?
Since simply by speaking the Lord controls the natural world (2 Pet 3:1-7), any delay in judgement is for His gracious purposes (2 Pet 3:8-9)
What’s the Danger of Re-branding the Christian Message (Part 2 of 3)?
Those who slander demonic powers while pursuing their own sinful passions (2 Pet 2:10-16), aim to capture the wayward and take them back to the
Joint Service With Dynamic Life
We are working on getting this sermon audio working again, sorry for the inconvenience.
What’s the Danger of Re-branding the Christian Message (Part 1 of 3)?
Despite secretive attempts to undermine the relationship between Christian doctrine and Christian virtues (2 Pet 2:1-3), everyone’s spiritual commitments will be physically manifested for eternity